I think its time I come out about my obsession with owls. I don't know what is wrong with me, but I just can't seem to pass up anything that has a cute, little sweet owl face on it. (If you come to my apartment you will find about 5 owl nick nacks, owl salt and pepper shakers, owl towels and oven mitts.....) Either way, I just love this new owl pillow that I picked up for my living room. Adorbs!!
As for the last two items, I scored both of these guys at Forever 21 over this past weekend. I first spotted this jacket online and feel in love, but it quickly sold out, so I was thrilled when I found it in my local store on sale! As for these jewels, I talked last week about my love for buying earrings at forever 21, and while I didn't find the two pairs I was looking for, I didn't come home empty handed. I also couldn't walk away for this 4-pack ring set for only 1.99....that would have been a crime!!
And it's finally Friday y'all! Time to enjoy the weekend! Thanks for reading!